OIF Network Operator Survey – 2022 Transport SDN Interoperability Demo
At the 1Q 2021 OIF meeting, a discussion amongst 2020 Interop participants lead to the question about holding a 2022 Transport SDN Interoperability event. To start the process, we have composed this survey to be answered by as many Network Operators interested.
The objectives of a 2022 Interop are the same as previous Networking Interops – to help accelerate adoption and commercial deployment of transport SDN. Our goal is to show the advances multi-layer API specs have made since our 2020 interop event, and to include use cases that are important to network operators. To achieve this goal, we are seeking your input via the attached survey, and accompanying use case scenarios.
At this early stage, we are seeking input from as many network operators as possible. If you are not the appropriate person to complete this survey, please pass it on to the best person to formulate a response. Future surveys will be sent to Equipment vendors and other interested partied.
The results of this survey will be anonymized, tabulated and summarized by OIF staff. Two conference calls will be held in June, 2021 to review the result summary.
Recognizing these key items, the Network Interoperability leadership has composed the following Vendor survey. Respondents should strongly consider these key items as they formulate their response.
Timeline is described in Appendix A of the survey.
Because of the timeline suggested, operators are asked to complete this survey and return it by Tuesday, June 15th, 2021. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please send them to netopsurvey@oiforum.com by May 24, 2021.