OIF Releases New Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS) Implementation Agreement and Launches New CMIS Project at Q2 Technical and MA&E Committees Meeting

Fremont, Calif.—OIF’s Q2 2022 Technical and MA&E Committees Meeting, held in person and virtually May 10-12, 2022 in Porto, Portugal, resulted in the release of a Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS) Implementation Agreement (IA) and the initiation of a new CMIS project. CMIS provides a well-defined mechanism to initialize and manage optical and copper modules […]

OIF to Provide Update on Electrical Interface Projects at DesignCon 2022; Industry thought leaders will provide an overview of OIF’s lessons learned on CEI 112G and progress on 224G (Gbps)

Fremont, Calif. – Over the last 20+ years, OIF’s interoperable electrical interface specifications known as CEI (common electrical I/O) have been adopted across many applications to become critical building blocks for several industry standards and platforms. At this year’s DesignCon, April 5-7, 2022, in Santa Clara, CA, OIF experts will discuss its seven ongoing CEI-112G […]