OIF Tackles Incremental Bandwidth Increases with FlexEthernet
Significant Strides Made on SDN, APIs, CEI As members of the Optical Internetworking Forum gathered last month for their first quarterly meeting of 2015, the organization launched a new project to enable flexible Ethernet by providing a toolkit to expand the utility of existing and future Ethernet interfaces. The new project, labeled FlexEthernet, provides a way for Ethernet equipment to more efficiently […]
OIF Launches New Project to Identify APIs for Transport SDN
Close on the heels of the joint Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) and Open Networking Foundation (ONF) Global Transport SDN demonstration that concluded in October, the OIF has launched a new project to develop implementation agreements (IAs) for the application programming interfaces (APIs) used between application and network controller during the event. The new initiative will […]