OIF Completes FlexE IA for Data Center Interconnections
Only one year after starting a project to enable flexible Ethernet for Data Center and transport interconnect efficiency, OIF members have finalized an implementation agreement (IA). The Flexible Ethernet (FlexE) IA provides a way for Ethernet equipment to more efficiently utilize optical link bandwidth. Ethernet connections between routers or transport gear need to be flexible in order to provide incremental increases in bandwidth beyond 100G. The FlexE IA bridges the gap between previous, current and next-generation rates.
“The FlexE IA allows Ethernet to be used more efficiently in response to ever changing technologies, link rates, and bandwidth needs,” said Scott Irwin of MoSys and the OIF’s Physical and Link Layer Working Group – Protocol Vice Chair. “OIF members worked hard to get this IA completed in record time to meet the industry’s need for flexible and scalable bandwidth provisioning.”
The FlexE Implementation Agreement provides a generic mechanism for supporting a variety of Ethernet MAC rates that may or may not correspond to any existing Ethernet PHY rate. This includes MAC rates that are both greater than (through bonding) and less than (through sub-rate and channelization) the Ethernet PHY rates used to carry FlexE.
The FlexE implementation agreement can be viewed here.
About the OIF
The OIF facilitates the development and deployment of interoperable networking solutions and services. Members collaborate to drive Implementation Agreements (IAs) and interoperability demonstrations to accelerate and maximize market adoption of advanced internetworking technologies. OIF work applies to optical and electrical interconnects, optical component and network processing technologies, and to network control and operations including software defined networks and network function virtualization. The OIF actively supports and extends the work of national and international standards bodies. Launched in 1998, the OIF is the only industry group uniting representatives from across the spectrum of networking, including many of the world’s leading service providers, system vendors, component manufacturers, software and testing vendors. Information on the OIF can be found at http://www.oiforum.com.